Delicious and super moist Orange Almond Ricotta Cake is another contribution to the family of upside-down cakes on my blog. With its lovely taste of organic oranges, shiny orange colour and the top being decorated with slices of organic oranges, this cake is such a beautiful and real orange cake to…
Plums symbolize the end of summer for me. Something like that the holidays are over and so is the fooling around our garden full of fruits, except plums! These always come around end of August. And so I am now enjoying them as much as I can. If you love plums like me…
And here we go with another upside-down cake, inspired by the French recipes. After the Renversed Almond Cake with Nectarines I come with a Strawberry fondant. It is a delicious cake baked upside down. Strawberries cooked shortly with sugar come to the bottom of the baking pan, covered by the almond and…